Evolving the content type

If you've enjoyed what I've shared so far, and you're willing to go just a little farther, I invite you into the next chapter.

Evolving the content type
Photo by Patrick Tomasso / Unsplash

I started this as a newsletter.  40 days and 40 posts in, I realized it was something else, and began converting it to this blog.  

Another 11 days and 11 posts later, I was walking Kobe 🐶 and planning to publish my 52nd post.

Could I do it?  I think so.  I had a topic in mind — the way to find your route into a B2B software buyer.  I had a metaphor in mind too, and a few stories from my own 19 years of startup and selling experience.

But then I stopped myself: what if the best way forward is to go back ... and re-shape what I already have?  

What if I chose to spiral 🐙 around this existing content instead of continuing to create new?

I don't see a single spine yet that connects the 35,000+ words in the rearview.  But I do see themes.  Sometimes they shine through, and sometimes I didn't give myself the time.

Time.  So far I've spent 1-2 hours per day getting this out.  I love it, but there's a cap to that time (I've got a business to run!).  So I can either use this 5am-7am time to create more new posts, or I can use it to take 120+ pages of thoughts and mold them into something else.

What is that something else?  I'm leaning, leaning, towards a Thing That Rhymes With Look.  But I'm not using that as my mental goal, hence why I'm not saying it out loud.  Even with all of this raw material, the idea of compiling a b--k sounds exhausting.

Instead, I'd like to work on larger molecules than what I have now.  Chapters?  Maybe I need a different word that doesn't imply b--k.  ;-)

I'm taking advice from my friends Arvid Kahl and Patrick Vlaskovits, both of whom have achieved a level of success as Real Authors I don't imagine, but can dream about.  Maybe one day. 🔭

What about this list?

My plan is to continue to release content to this list on a weekly (at most) to monthly (at least) cadence.  Daily writing has driven me to publish a year's worth of weekly content (and 4 years of monthly content!) in under 2 months.   I don't want to lose that momentum.  

If previews and behind-the-scenes of what it takes to wrestle these atoms into larger pieces isn't for you, I understand!  

But if you've enjoyed what I've shared so far, and you're willing to go just a little farther, I invite you into the next ... chapter.

Thanks for reading. 🐙
